Wordless Wednesday #19 - "How to Eat Ice Cream"

Nov 16, 2011

The key is to take your time and let it melt, not making any effort to lick around the sides.

Linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Mama to 4 Blessings.


  1. Haha...your comment makes me laugh. My girls drive me crazy when they don't even try to eat it and prevent the melting, or just lick a little off the top and let it melt down the sides.

  2. love your title -
    found u thru mama of 4 blessing and hope u will follw us back too at http://twinswithtots.blogspot.com/2011/11/twinsmultiples-and-birthday-gift.html
    have a great day!
    Cathy and Becca from www.twinswithtots.blogspot.com

  3. Thank you, ladies!

    euregirlsandboys, Me too! I have tried and tried to demonstrate to this child the proper way to lick an ice cream cone. lol

  4. Who likes Ice Cream? Great Pic :)

    I'm Stopping by via the Friday Blog Hop and am your newest Follower on GFC :)

    ~ Jill



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