My New Business - A Sneak Peek

Jun 22, 2011

For a few months, I've been busy researching, planning, and working on a new business venture. As I get closer to being ready for the grand opening, I'd like to give you a sneak peek at what I've been doing and get some feedback. 

Would you please go to To Love and Protect, take a look around, and let me know what you think so far? Do you see anything that needs to be fixed (broken links, grammar, spelling, etc.)? What do you think of the homepage collage? Is it too busy? Keep in mind that it is still under construction. I have been ordering and adding inventory this week and there is plenty of content to be added. But after you have looked at something for so long, it's difficult to see it objectively. Your comments are greatly appreciated. 

Make sure you are following or a subscriber because once my store opens, you may see a giveaway or two here at Raising Knights. Oh, and at the blog for To Love and Protect. Thank you for your support!


  1. Congratulations on your business! I stopped by - and it looks really good! Wishing you a blessing filled launch!

  2. What a great idea for a business. Safety is so very critical in our day and age. I love the stroller clips(tag-a-long) and am interested in purchasing one for an upcoming trip that we'll be taking. When can I order?

  3. @ bluecottonmemory, Thank you!
    @ Noellen, I just received the tag*a*longs. Email me at christy(at)raisingknights(dot)com.


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