Good Morning Girls & The Ministry of Motherhood Book Club

May 16, 2011

I may not be posting regularly due to all of my busy-ness right now, but I am participating in the Good Morning Girls' Bible reading accountability and summer book club. It has officially started but we won't start reading the book until next Monday, May 23. There is still time to join an existing group or start your own. We formed a group with a trio of moms here in western Kentucky and have a Facebook page for checking in and communicating. We are all excited about it. Especially me, because my mommy tank is in desperate need of refueling. 

Are you doing it too? If not, go check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christy,

    I've been wondering where you've been! Glad to see you posting today.

    I've never heard of this book club, it sounds great!

    Have a wonderful week,


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