2011 Ultimate Blog Party

Apr 1, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Join us for the 2011 Ultimage Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom! Since I have only been actively blogging since August, 2010, this will be my first Blog Party and I am looking forward to meeting lots of new bloggy friends. And there will be prizes too!

My name is Christy and this is our homeschooling family blog where you will find a little bit of everything including snippets from our daily life, curriculum and product reviews, recipes, and bits of wisdom I've learned along the way. With five boys ranging from nursing toddler to teenager, every day is an adventure. I admit that I struggle daily to find balance and am grateful that I can rely on God's grace every time I fall short. In a house full of men, this blog is my daily indulgence. A place where I can talk about random mom stuff and not have to shorten it down to two or three to-the-point sentences. A place where I can find others of like mind. A place where I can be me. I hope you'll find some things that interest you. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Christy! I'm so impressed with you! That is a LOT of boys, but they're all so handsome :) I'm dropping by from UBP11 and am now a follower! Can't wait to read more about your family!

    I read a great book by Eric Ludy on being a Christ-built Warrior Poet...he's a phenomenal author, and his wife too. I'd recommend checking them out! Cheers!

    Here's my blog: http://addaspoonfulofsugar.com if you want to check it out...there's a giveaway too!

  2. I found you through the UBP! I love your blog. I'm also a mom of boys {but with a girl on the way}. There's never a dull moment with little boys in the house!


  3. Stopping by from the UBP11. I am currently homeschooling my preschooler right now and enjoying it. I only have one but she keeps me very busy! I can't imagine your life at all ;)

    Stop by and say hi anytime this week! I love having visits from UBP11.

    Long Wait For Isabella

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog from UBP11! I love your blog and I will now be following you!! Nice to "meet" you!

  5. So nice to meet you...You have a very pretty blog design..... so happy to find your blog...what a fun party
    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a comment...no jumping through hoops.


  6. Five boys? I have three boys and it's an adventure! :)

    Found you from the UBP!

  7. I love the name of your blog and have to give you major kudos for being a homeschooling mama. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog from the UBP. I look forward to reading more from you soon!

  8. Stoppin from the UBP'11! Olive our blog title too. What a greT word pictue is paints of boys!

  9. My goodness, I have just one boy and I feel overwhelmed. I would love learn more about how you homeschool. Stopping by from UBP from The Knowlton Nest.

  10. Hopping over from the UBP--fellow homeschooler. I've enjoyed looking over your blog and impressed you've survived this long in a house way outnumbered by all those boys! ;) New follower here.

  11. I came by because the title of your blog drew me in! I have 3 boys myself, younger though!

  12. 3 boys?? Wow. You deserve and award:)LOL
    Just popping in from UBP.
    Nice to "meet" you!

  13. Hi Christy, I found your blog from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I love your blog and the fact that you have all boys...so do I. I breast fed my last 2 a total of 5 years. Nothing like nursing a baby :)
    I am a new follower of you blog and I look forward to your updates. Please come on over and visit our blog when you get a chance.

  14. I'm so glad I hopped to you blog via UBParty! I love the title--so sweet. I have a boy and girl, and so far my boy is more of a villan than knight =) LOL I'm now a follower--would appreciate a follow back!

  15. Hi, I am your newest follower! SO nice to "meet" you. I look forward to getting to know you better! Blessings to you and your handsome boys!


  16. Found you on UBP'11! I am raising two knights myself so I love the title of your blog. Your pictures are beautiful too! I look forward to more of your blog, as I am following you!

    ~ Wendy @ www.choosinglove.net

  17. Hello! I'm hopping over from the party. I have two daughters, and am expecting my first boy. Looking forward to the joy of raising a knight! I'm a new follower, as I think I'll need all the help and advice I can glean :)

  18. Howdy!

    WOW so you homeschool?!?

    I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

    Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

    And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

    I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

    Have a very blessed day!! :0)

  19. Hi, I found your adorable blog on the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 and I'm a new
    follower. Hop over and say Hi if you get a chance, Jennifer from Just

    I'm a homeschooling mom too!

  20. Hi! Stopping by from the UBP. I love the title of your blog - I have 2 boys as well and I want them to be knights, too!

  21. LOL, I was just looking through your blog list, and I realize we follow a lot of the same food blogs!

  22. Hello! Love your blog and just hit "Follow" button. Find me at www.way2goodlife.com

  23. Hi! Following you from
    UBP! Hope you visit me
    and return the follow!

  24. It's nice to "meet" you! You have a beautiful family! Im a new follower and can't wait to hear about your adventures. Please stop by and say hi if you get a chance! http://www.flipflopmama.com/2011/03/ultimate-blog-party-2011.html


Comments are like getting a letter in the mail...a bright spot in my day! Thank you!

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