Conversations With LJ & Happy Birthday

Mar 6, 2011

We had a triple birthday party for M2, NG, and LJ two weeks ago but today is LJ's actual birthday. Four years old. We are going out to buy yellow balloons for the birthday boy and, later, I'll bake a chocolate cake. Because even if you've already had a party, you still have to have cake and balloons on your special day.

His gift is a new super hero cape. LJ specifically requested a yellow cape with a red lightning bolt because "lellow" is his favorite color right now. After opening his gift a bit ago, he said, "While you're driving, I'm gonna fly." 

A couple of days ago, I noticed some scratches on LJ. 
Me: "How did you get those scratches?"
LJ: "Maybe from a bear...when me and Dad went hunting last night." 


  1. what a fun age! happy Birthday to Levi!
    I love his lellow cape!

    My youngest is 14. Yellow has been his favorite color since he was 2.

    visiting from the hip homeschool hop.
    visit back:

  2. SO FUNNY!!!! What a sweetie. I LOVE 4 yr olds. They say the silliest, most imaginative things!!!

  3. Such a cute picture! I hope he had a wonderful birthday.


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