Bugaloo Baby Shoes Closing Sale

Feb 12, 2011

Love soft-soled baby shoes, like Robeez or Shoo Shoos, but can't justify spending that much money on them? I found Bugaloo Shoes right before Miles started crawling and bought him a few pairs. They are adorable, well-made, and, best of all, affordable. I was even planning a review to post here but Heidi has announced that she's closing up shop to work on her graphic design business. Bad news for future mommas who would have loved to get soft-soled leather baby shoes for only $14, instead of $25-$30. But we can help Heidi move on to the next phase of her life by shopping her sale. All shoes are only $9.99!! You have to hurry because the boys' size 6-12 months is already sold out.

Miles alternately wears the two pairs in the pictures everyday. They are 12-18 months and he has almost a finger width at the toe still for growth. An extra detail that I really like is that there is a cotton lining on the interior sole. We have already washed the dog pair and they came out great. I just tossed them in with his clothes and air-dried them.

So, go check out Bugaloo Shoes and stock up on some sweet little shoes for your little one or to have on hand for baby showers. For only $10, you'll have an awesome gift and make everyone ooh and aah.

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