Scholarships for Cops' Kids

Jan 4, 2011

Welcome to Raising Knights! Chances are that you've arrived here from a search for "scholarship for police officers children" or something similar. This post gets more visits than any of my other ones. As a service to other LEO families, I will continue to search and add to this list as I can. Thank you for stopping by!

My husband is a police officer...supporting a family of seven. If you know anything about cops, you must know that their salary is not commensurate with the stress and risk involved and most work an extra job just to make ends meet. With my oldest almost half way through high school, I have begun to look into all of our options regarding college. Of course, the biggie is, how will we pay for it? There are many scholarships available to children of fallen cops, most state agencies have them, so I won't list those here. But what about those with law enforcement officer {LEO} parents who are still alive and actively serving?

STRIVE - Scholarships to Recognize Intelligence, Vision, and Excellence from the Police Officer Defense Fund. Any child of an active, retired, or killed-in-the-line-of-duty law enforcement officer is eligible.

ESA Youth Scholarship - Awarded by the Electronic Security Association. "The program was created to promote goodwill among the electronic systems industry and police and fire officials by providing college scholarship awards to their deserving sons or daughters."
Law Enforcement Children's Scholarship - Awarded by Wives Behind the Badge.

America's 911 Foundation, Inc., College Scholarship Fund - Available to children of active First Responders (EMS, Fire, Police), volunteer or paid. There are 15 $2,000 scholarships available. 
For Members of Law Enforcement-related Organizations
Blue Knights Scholarship - Blue Knights International, Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club awards five $1000 scholarships each year to children or grandchildren of members.

The Jeanne E. Bray Memorial Scholarship - Awarded by the National Rifle Association. Dependent children of any current or retired police officer who is an active NRA member or who was killed in the line of duty and an NRA member at time of death are eligible.

For Specific Cities or Geographic Regions

Ronnie Williams Foundation - There are three scholarships available for high school seniors living in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, who are either a child of a law enforcement officer or want to go into law enforcement.
FOP Scholarships - Fraternal Order of Police. I was unable to find information on the Grand Lodge's site, but check with your state or local lodge for more information. I did find one for Kentucky.
VPCF College Scholarship Program - Virginia Police Chiefs Foundation awards scholarships to dependents of active police officers in the Commonwealth of Virginia, who are enrolled or have been accepted into a college.
Battle of the Badges Scholarship Fund - For children of active police officers or firefighters serving in Reading, PA or retired or deceased police officers or firefighters who served in Reading. 

Andrew Winzenread Scholarship - Available to all high school seniors who are children of Indiana State Police Officers and who intend to pursue post-secondary education. 

DPOA Scholarship Fund - Eligible recipients must have a parent or step-parent employed by the Detroit Police Department.
WLEOA College Scholarship Program - Eligible recipients must have a parent who is an active member of
the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Association.

AMT Member Child Scholarship - Eligible applicants must be the legal child of an active duty or retired Association of Montana Troopers.
Dearborn Ranch Scholarship for Children of Montana Highway Patrol Officers

Third District Police Partnership Law Enforcement Scholarship - Eligible recipients must be children, biological or adopted, of active Police Officers assigned to St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Third District.

Please follow links for details on scholarships/applications. I'll keep adding to it as I come across them. If you know of one that I don't have listed or you find that a link has changed or is no longer active, please leave a comment for me. Thanks!


  1. Thank you so much for the information.

    From a Brother in Blue

  2. Awesome information in one place! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this!

    A NJ wife of a police officer

  3. Thank you for all the hard work!

  4. Thank you for all the links. Did you by any chance find any scholarships available in the Western NY area? We have been looking and have not had any luck. My husband just retired after serving 32 years to his department. He retired as detective Lieutenant and was a fine role model to our children. Everyday we are blessed and grateful that he made it to retirement.

    A Western NY officers wife.

  5. Thanks so much for this helpful list. The San Diego Police Officer's Association also has scholarships for kids of SDPD officers. (Not sure if you want to add that to your website since it is so specific, but there it is:) It can be stressful "shopping" for scholarships, but it is celebration time when those funds come in! So worth the time and effort. Thanks again for your awesome site:)

  6. You are all so very welcome! After all, what is "family" for? :)

  7. PORAC (Police Officers Research Association of California)also offers scholarships for those in the area. And possibly CNOA (Cal Narcotics Officers Assoc)
    I'm looking for scholarships for the cop themselves. Hubby went back to school to be "promotable". Son will be going in a year. Yikes!

  8. Thank you for taking the time to help others!!!!! It takes so much time and "mistaking" to find anything to apply to. My husband is retired from ACPD and one of our many blessings haven't been to find scholarships to apply to! Thanks again. Betsy

  9. i was searching your sight and i believe i must have missed a chapter from south carolina

  10. Thank you so much for this great information! Very helpful for my daughter who will be attending college in a year and a half.

  11. Thank you so much for compiling and sharing this information. My husband and I are both active law enforcement officers with a son who will be attending college in the fall. We are working a part-time job together right now as I'm writing this, so we know the sacrifices that law enforcement families make to support our families on our salaries. I am looking forward to getting with our son to help him locate and apply for some of the listed scholarships. Thanks again!

  12. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put together such an amazing resource, Christy! I found your post while looking for scholarships for children of LEOs and also came across a $1,500 scholarship for children of first responders (including police) that other LEO families might find of interest:

    I know firsthand how difficult it is to find opportunities for children whose parents are actively serving so I thought it'd be worth sharing. Thanks again! – N

  13. Was curious if you knew of any additional scholarships offered in Mississippi? My husband has been in law enforcement for 28 years. We have a daughter graduating high school this year and looking to attend college next fall. Thanks for the info you have already provided.

  14. Scholarship Sharing has also put together a list of scholarships for first responders including families of Police.


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