Inspiration for a New Year

Dec 29, 2010

Sometimes, the Creator of the universe grabs our attention through a computer screen. Through the inspired words of another mom in a blog post. In between reading about organizing tips and cookie recipes, I am halted by words that convict me, inspire me, give me hope, and redirect my focus. 

At the Well, I found parenting inspiration while reading A Heart to Serve and Parenting on Our Knees. Most of the time, I strive to do the right thing, the right way and become disappointed when I don't get the desired result. How easy it is to forget to turn it over to the Lord in prayer first, instead of waiting until my feeble, flawed human efforts don't produce the outcome I want.

While reading Courtney's post about her theme word for 2011 at Women Living Well, a word came to me - devotion. This year has flown by and was filled with life-changing events right out of the gate. Most were good things, but I allowed a few difficult experiences to steal my joy and I put up a wall to protect myself. In doing so, I pulled away from relationships and began to grow bitter. My goal for the new year is to be devoted - to making time for reading my Bible and having quiet time with God, to becoming a prayer warrior for my family, to becoming a better help mate for my husband, to becoming an instrument for the Lord, to teaching my sons by example. I will be devoted to letting God work in my life.

"Busy mom syndrome" has become my excuse for not reading my Bible regularly and it is apparent in the fruit of my daily life. Jess at Making Home says it better than I could with her article, Like a Newborn Baby. I was further inspired to action by reading Goal Setting Tips for the New Year - From a 7 Year Old. If Kat's 7yo daughter can read the Bible in a year, so can I. 

Reading blogs and blogging can distract you and steal your time, but God can redeem it by leading you to places that will refill your spirit and refocus your attention. I have to go now. I have things to do.

As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.  -Proverbs 27:15 NIV


  1. Thanks for sharing! I can vouch for the effectiveness of my daily Bible study - it keeps me sane ans focused. And He always makes it relevant! :) I am currently reading Beth Moore, Patriarchs.

  2. I'm your 40th follower!
    Visiting from the blog hop.
    Great ideas here.
    Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks. It's the same here. "Busy Mom Syndrome" stealing God's time.

    I have a new Bible to read. It's a Chronological Bible, so all the verses are in order of when they were written. It should be interesting. some pages will have verses for 3 or 4 different books in the Bible!

    (visiting from the Friday Hop-mommato4blessings)

  4. Your post is very beautiful and powerful. I am happy that I found you on the blog hop for this weekend. Please stop bye and say hello if you have time. I look forward to reading your future posts.

    Now following from



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