Homemade Recycled Toys

Dec 19, 2010

My boys can be fickle when it comes to toys, so I stick to the proven boy favorites as much as possible. Legos. Wooden blocks. Army men. Play food. Hot Wheels. Lincoln Logs. Wooden train set. Playmobil. Nerf guns. But to provide variety when they get bored with the usual and not waste money on new toys that they'll tire of even quicker, I have found some great ideas for homemade toys made from household items. The boys can have just as much fun in the process of making it as they do when playing with it.

LooLeDo.com is a cool educational website for craft projects using household materials. You'll never look at your empty milk carton the same way. 

ZiggityZoom has some really cute crafts including Monster Stompers and a Pirate Castle.

Family Fun has too many recyclable projects to list. Although I did link to some of them below.

What you can do with a half gallon milk or juice carton:

Milk carton blocks - I made some of these for my older boys when they were little. They are sturdy and light for their size.

Milk carton dump truck - Picture tutorials from Origami Mommy.

Traffic light - Add some signs made from cardboard and set up an indoor driving course for your little ones or teach them about street safety.

What you can do with cardboard boxes/tubes:

Kitchen - This adorable pint-size sink/stove combo is made from boxes, paper plates, and plastic caps.

Marble Run - Save your wrapping paper tubes and a couple of margarine tubs.

Park and Play Garage - Two cereal boxes and some toilet paper tubes are all you need to make this parking garage with ramp for your little guy's Hot Wheels.

Box Buildings - The perfect addition to the parking garage. I like the idea of stuffing them with newspaper to make them sturdier. If you wanted to skip the decoupage step, you could just cover them with paper and double-sided tape.

Trashtown Fire Department - Continue the city theme with a fire station.

The Great Cardboard Castle - This one is more involved than the Pirate Castle above but looks awesome.

For your wee little ones:

Discovery Bottles - Multisensory bottles for ages 6 mos and up. You can also fill them with beans, rice, oil/water/food coloring mixture, or small jingle bells for even more sensory experiences.

A Flock of Baby Socks Mobile - Ever wonder what to do with those sweet baby socks that lost their mate?

Simple Shakers - Babies and toddlers love things that make noise and this rolls too.

Drum - Uses an oatmeal container and a large mailing envelope.

1 comment:

  1. The sock thing is really cute...Our left over socks look a lllliittle different=)

    Happy Hip Homeschoolers


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