Our first snow has fallen {if you don't count the light dusting we got last week that melted as soon as the sun hit it}. My blue-eyed hobbit was excited to see that it was snowing this morning and danced around me saying, "Dit me dressed! Dit me dressed!" So, I bundled him up and he went out to make tracks in the snow with everything he could find.
Since the recipe called for 2 cups of coconut milk and I used a can with approximately 1 2/3 cups, I added more almond milk. Also, I do not yet own an immersion blender, so I just whisked it really good.
LJ and I both liked it. It's thick and rich, with subtle almond and coconut flavors. If you aren't accustomed to anything other than dairy milk, it may take some getting used to. Papa Bear isn't a coconut lover, so he "bleched" it after just a little sip. Not surprised. The older boys aren't here to try it out but I'm guessing it would probably be an even split on the "yum" scale. Next time, I would probably skip the coconut milk. This was the first time I used chocolate chips to make hot chocolate and it does make for a richer drink and requires less added sugar than hot cocoa.
Now, I'm off to read The Snowy Day
by Ezra Jack Keats to my two smallest hobbits. If you're here in the Midwest area, stay inside and keep warm. If you're in a warmer region of the world, say hello to the sun for me.
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