Saturday Thrift Finds #1

Aug 21, 2010

Normally, on Saturday mornings, I jump right into the daily routine of fixing meals, laundry, cleaning, etc. But, on occasion, I sneak out with just the baby and go to the local thrift stores. I never get out early enough for yard sales. Today, I went to Goodwill and St.Vincent dePaul on a mission to locate old jars or canisters, classic books for the boys, decorative plates to hang on my walls, and possibly some kind of shelves or baskets for organizing our office/school room. I ended up finding several of those items plus some other good stuff for a total of $18.92. Here's what I found:
Eight books (the 1946 copy of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is upstairs and I was too lazy to go get it)
I'm really anxious to start reading Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. The little bit I read while nursing Miles in the van was very good and thought-provoking. We have The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen Covey, so when I saw The Seven Habits for Highly Effective Teens by his son, Sean Covey, I knew it needed to be on Mason's high school reading list. He snatched 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea because he loves old hardback books.

Director's chair
Walker toy
As soon as I saw the director's chair, I grabbed it. It's in very good condition and was only $6. It went straight to my teen's room. The walker is for M2, of course, because he is determined to be walking much too early.

Clothes for Miles, who is growing way too quickly.
Old Navy, Gap, Carter's, Greendog, All Mine, Gymboree, Koala Baby
You would think that having five boys would mean plenty of hand-me-downs for the baby, but I actually had to start from scratch because I didn't have anything under size 2T. God surprised us with one more blessing after I gave away all of my baby clothes.

Two old jars with pretty fruit/herb patterns and an ironstone saucer
I am going for an eclectic French country kind of look in my kitchen. Our "new" house is 54 years old and we're only the second family to live here. The original owner never updated so we are remodeling and I get to make it just how I want it. I'm so excited! It will be new but I don't want it to look too new. Know what I mean? I want something that looks inviting and cozy, kind of like my Grandmas's kitchen, only without the metal cabinets and green linoleum.

Do you have a post about your special treasure hunt finds? Leave a comment with a link to your blog or just tell us about it. Happy Hunting!


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